Hanover, NH | Family Photography at the Dartmouth Organic Farm
Fall Family Photo Session in Hanover
I was thrilled to connect for a second time with this family to capture their fall family photo session in Hanover, during gorgeous fall foliage. I love it when I find new photo location in Hanover, New Hampshire. It’s such a beautiful town with the Dartmouth College campus and views of the Connecticut River. Families who come back year after year are my favorite—that extra familiarity adds comfort and puts everyone at ease.
They picked the perfect weekend. The foliage is usually at peak around Columbus Day in the Upper Valley. 4 pm tends to be the magical hour for golden autumn light. In my opinion, it’s this weekend and this time of day when it’s the most golden it ever is in New England.
We started with photos near Bartlett Tower on the Dartmouth College campus, followed by a short visit to the BEMA. They suggested we make a trip to the Dartmouth Organic Farm. Somehow, in the nearly 15 years that I’ve lived in the Upper Valley, I had never been! When we arrived and hiked down, we literally entered fields of gold.
This is one of my favorite fall sessions. It embodies the New England landscape and all that the season has to offer. The backdrop is almost as lovely as the connection this family has with each other.